Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Distracted at the Dental Office

Written by Alyssa Pino | Aug 9, 2018 @ 01:21 PM

Visiting a dental office isn’t usually an exciting time for adults, much less for children. Adults typically keep themselves busy by answering emails on their phone or reading a magazine, but when you’re with your child, you have to find ways to keep them occupied. Children can become nervous or anxious when visiting the dental office, so this is a good time to reassure them or distract them from worrying.

Sometimes the waiting room will have toys that children can play with, but have a backup plan, just in case. Here are some of the ways to keep your children busy at the dentist:

  • Bring a tablet or iPad: you can watch videos or play games which almost always distracts a child for a long period of time.
  • Play cards: engage with your child and learn about being a graceful winner or loser in a fun and entertaining way.
  • Read a book: this is not only beneficial for your child’s education. However, if the book has some relation to the dentist office, your child can see their favorite characters have positive dental visits and lose their fear of the dentist.
  • Bring a coloring book: a fun and creative way to keep busy.

Set your kids up for success by teaching them good oral health habits from an early age. Regular taking them to receive cleanings is a great way to build healthy habits. Be sure to choose a dental insurance plan that covers cleanings and other preventive care options. If you’re having some trouble getting your kids to brush at home, check out our tip guide for your fussy brusher.