Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

6 Of The Best Lip Balms For Chapped Lips

Written by Erica Laceria | Jul 28, 2020 @ 06:30 PM

Whether you’re genetically inclined, have a habit of biting your lips or the changes in weather effect you, most of us have had an encounter with chapped lips at some point. It can be irritating, painful and uneasy on the eyes. Many times, we’ll grab the cheapest chap-stick at our local pharmacy and hope that does the trick. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Chapped lips are irritations that, depending on the severity, may need to be treated with a more intense lip balm than the 99 cent stick you picked up at the store. We’ve done a little homework to bring you six of what we would consider to be the “best lip balms for your chapped lips.”

1. Aquaphor Lip Repair

We love this little tube simply because of how fast it shows results. Many reviewers agree on how effective Aquaphor is with moisturizing and softening lips. One satisfied customer said, "THREE NIGHTS of use and the cracking was gone!" This product works it's magic and gives immediate relief for dry lips. You can easily find it at a drugstore near you or on Amazon.  

2. Vaseline Lip Balm

Drop by your local drugstore to pick up this amazing therapy lip balm. This product has been tested in all kinds of extreme weather conditions, and has proven to keep lips feeling hydrated and conditioned in any setting. If you are looking for something inexpensive but can get the job done, this product is your new go to. 

3. Blistex Lip Medex Analgesic Lip Protectant

This little can is the dollar item that will do the trick. Blistex has always been known for its healing remedies at affordable prices. With Lip Medex, you’ll relieve your irritated lips – particularly if you’re continuously exposed to cold weather. It’ll give you that little “tingly” feeling after applying, which always makes us feel like it’s actually working. 

4. Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm SPF 25

If you’re going to be spending time outside, you might want to wear a lip balm with SPF and out of all of them this is a good pick. This chap stick will not leave you with a bitter taste from the sunscreen, you might even forget that it has sunscreen in it from how natural it feels. It will give your lips protection from the sun, while also keeping them moisturized.  

5. Eco Lips Vegan Lip Balm 

If you have sensitive skin or may be allergic to some ingredients in other chapsticks, then you should give Eco Lips Vegan Lip Balm a try! Eco is well known for their super soft shea butter lip balms that brings relief to dry lips. This product gives the same relief while being cruelty-free and a great remedy for those with sensitive skin. 

6. Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm

Affordable, effective and you can find it at your local pharmacy! Burt’s Bees has been all the rave for the last decade for their lip balms. This moisturizing lip balm gives a little extra help smoothing chapped lips. Having an ultra-conditioning formula keeps the lip balm working for a long time, so there is no need to frequently reapply. 

You can click on the images of any of these lip balms to be directed to where you can purchase them at some of their best values. Want another great deal? Get a free month on your dental plan and maintain your healthy smile! Click the image below to learn more.