Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

Creative Infant Teething Remedies

Written by Alissa Gavrilescu | Mar 23, 2016 @ 04:10 PM

This blog is the second in a three-part series on infant teething.

You’ve tried teething rings, cool damp cloths, pure rubber toys and nearly every teething gadget for sale at the baby store yet nothing works. Desperation is setting in as your child becomes more and more frustrated with her emerging teeth; what’s a parent to do? Every baby is unique and when it comes to teething, some of the tried-and-true teething toys might not give your baby relief.

Here are a few alternatives to traditional teething relievers for your baby:

Amber Teething Necklaces

Made of Baltic amber, this natural teething remedy comes with some controversy. On one side of the debate stand parents and healing practitioners who feel the healing properties of the amber acts as a drug-free pain reliever for your baby. Despite the growing popularity of these necklaces, amber teething necklaces are not pediatrician approved due to the risk of choking and strangulation. 

Frozen Bagels

The dense, hard baked treat is sure to capture baby’s attention. It not only is cool on the gums, but iT's a tasty treat as they gnaw away for some relief. Remember to keep an eye on your little one when using this teething method in case the bagel becomes soggy (this can create a choking risk so toss the bagel once it gets to this stage).

Infant Mouth Massages

When my son was teething, this method worked the best for him. Teething rings, toys, biscuits and the like didn’t help him but massaging his tender gums with my finger helped. Wash your hands well and then use your index finger to massage along your child’s gums, particularly where the teeth are starting to sprout. Use varying degrees of pressure based on your child’s needs and reaction, sliding your finger back and forth along the gum’s top ridge.

Teething can be a tough time for baby—and parents—but finding a teething remedy that works for your child’s preferences can make everyone a little happier. Whatever method you choose, be sure to discuss it with your pediatrician to make sure it’s safe for your sweetie.