Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

Easy Dental Hygiene Tips to Reach Problem Areas

Written by Kate Ranta | Mar 2, 2018 @ 08:02 PM

We were taught the importance of good dental hygiene when we were young. While regular visits to the dentist provide cleanings, taking care of your teeth and gums beyond the office ensures a healthier smile. But what about those hard-to-reach places? These tips can make a difference, even in those areas you struggle with.

Proper Brushing

When you brush your teeth, you're not just brushing for aesthetic purposes. You're brushing to get rid of plaque. Plaque build-up leads to bleeding, swollen gums, and a breakdown of the gum tissue. Moreover, you should aim to brush at a 45-degree angle, getting the back and front of your upper and lower teeth. Remember to brush in circles gently. Of course, some places in the mouth are more challenging to reach, and that's okay. Focus on getting at the areas you can.

It’s important to note that harsh brushing can damage your gum tissue over time. Try to find a toothbrush with soft bristles; harder bristles do not mean better brushing or a cleaner mouth. Along with finding the appropriate toothbrush, changing your toothbrush at least four times a year decreases bacterial contact.

Investing in Floss Methods

Dentists always tell their patients to floss. But why should you floss? It seems time-consuming and awkward, right? However, dental floss removes the plaque your toothbrush couldn't reach. Plaque hides between the teeth and builds up right on the gum line. Depending on your foods, plaque increases, continuously creating harmful bacteria. After a prolonged presence on gum tissue, the bacteria attack the bone of your tooth. 

Dental floss comes in many textures and flavors. Some people choose floss picks or water flossers as an alternative to flossing, especially when they're getting ready for work or school. Otherwise, pull 18 inches from the floss package and gently pull back and forth between teeth following the curve. The floss would form a 'C' shape around each tooth Don't saw into your gums, instead think of it like swinging back and forth, a sliding zigzag motion across the tooth and pulling straight up to clean the area.

Choosing a Mouthwash

Mouthwashes have many purposes. Based on your preferences, you should choose an antibacterial and soothing mouthwash. Stay away from mouthwashes that contain alcohol, as this can dry out your gums. Consult a dentist for more options. Pre-brush rinses loosen up plaque, making brushing easier.

In addition, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth with warm water after you eat to remove sticky foods.

Massaging the Gums

Massaging the gums is a little-known remedy. In fact, dentists recommend that you massage the gums to kill bacteria, enhance blood flow, and soothe them. Some people use their clean fingers to relieve inflamed gum tissue quickly. On the other hand, you can buy a gum massage tool at any store for a low price.

These simple dental hygiene tips promote fresher breath and reduce oral discomfort. And all of these together can help reach difficult areas in the back of your mouth!

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