Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

Guest Blogger: Improving Self-Confidence with Smile Makeovers

Written by Kate Ranta | Mar 4, 2014 @ 02:53 PM

Do you often find yourself avoiding cameras clicking in front of you? Covering your mouth when you talk or laugh while in public? Shying away from dating because you don’t feel attractive enough? Feeling that people think less of you because your teeth are crooked or chipped or discolored?

Truth be told, teeth do play a significant role in your self-esteem. One of the very first things people notice when you interact is your set of teeth. And, in our looks-conscious society, they may draw a good or bad first impression immediately.

If you have dental issues, you may feel insecure about your smile. And it’s because of this self-consciousness that you prefer to avoid any social interaction. After all, who wants to get judged or laughed at? It’s discouraging and it’s one reason why your self-esteem plummets in an instant. Luckily, smile makeover options are available, and smiling like a celebrity is no longer a fantasy but a reality.

What are the Advantages of a Smile Makeover?

In a word: confidence. If your smile makes you feel unattractive, chances are your confidence has taken a hit. This may prevent you from interacting with others and grabbing opportunities in front of you. It can seriously affect your quality of life.

Fortunately, with today’s modern cosmetic dentistry, you can now have your teeth enhanced or restored. From teeth whitening to dental implants, get ready to kiss those unattractive teeth of yours goodbye and smile again with pride!

What Dental Problems does a Smile Makeover Correct?

Many of today’s cosmetic dentistry procedures are engineered to restore and improve the oral health of many adults. Dental issues such as uneven or crooked teeth, missing teeth, teeth discoloration and tooth spacing are just a few of the many problems that a smile makeover can remedy. In addition, they can keep your teeth aligned with each other and enhance the shape of your mouth.

What are the Most Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Methods Available Out There?
Teeth Whitening

Home whitening techniques include over-the-counter products like bleaching pastes, gels, strips, toothpastes, whitening pens, whitening floss, whitening mouthwash and dental paints. At-home products may help to temporarily get rid of surface stains, but the results may not last as long. Professional methods tend to be stronger and longer-lasting than home remedies. And, they’re more effective in whitening deep stains on teeth. Dentists may suggest surface bleaching, prescription products and frequent deep cleanings. 

Dental Implants

The invention of implants has been a major advancement in cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants are basically false teeth but unlike dentures, they’re installed permanently. You don’t have to worry that they might accidentally fall out at any time (which is downright embarrassing!). Furthermore, they look more natural and are more effective than false teeth or dental bridges.


When it comes to crooked teeth, Invisalign is the best solution out there for adults. This orthodontic treatment comes with clear and removable teeth aligners that are commonly used as an alternative to metal dental braces.

Since it doesn’t involve metal around the teeth, most people prefer Inivisalign as a teeth straightening treatment over traditional braces.

Lumineers Teeth Veneers

For chipped, misaligned and stained teeth, lumineers are a great option. These porcelain veneers are as thin as a contact lens and are installed in your teeth without the need for any drilling. In addition, they’re totally painless and can even last for about 20 years.

Without a doubt, sparkling white teeth contribute to the way you feel about yourself. Thanks to smile makeover methods, you no longer have to cover your mouth when you laugh or smile with your lips closed when greeting people! Talk with your dentist about your options—together you can decide which method is best for you.

As a professional provider of written content, Hugo Massey makes it a point not just to provide meaningful content but that which is useful as well. His career has been a fruitful one, with dozens of satisfied clients that could attest to his skill and creativity. He is currently one of Authority Specialists’ pioneering writers that specialize in the medical and health care industry. When not writing, Hugo can often be found on some quiet creek teaching his son how to fish.