Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

Tips on Choosing Oral Hygiene Products

Written by Kate Ranta | Apr 5, 2019 @ 03:02 PM

There are many oral hygiene products on the market, and it can be hard to know which ones to choose for your and your family's specific needs. Just looking at the oral hygiene section in the drugstore can be overwhelming—just for the sheer number of products available without even getting into their uses. Read on for tips on choosing the best toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and flosses! 

The easiest way to find a safe and effective toothbrush is to look for the seal of the American Dental Association. Once you've discovered that seal, what remains is personal preference. The ADA recommends you choose a toothbrush that you will find easy to use twice daily to remove food and plaque from your teeth. Looking for a toothbrush in your or your child's favorite color is a great place to start. Then, consider the head shape and bristle firmness. If you suffer from gingivitis, a soft-bristled toothbrush is best because it will be less irritating to your gums. The ADA endorses both manual and powered toothbrushes. You may like to consider a powered toothbrush for your child. They might have more fun brushing with a powered toothbrush, making it easier to convince them to brush twice daily as the ADA recommends. Whatever type of toothbrush you choose, replace it every 3-4 months or whenever the bristles look worn. 

Another essential part of an oral hygiene routine is toothpaste. You should also look for the ADA seal when choosing a toothpaste. There are many options for toothpaste, and you should choose one depending on your needs. It doesn't matter what brand you choose as long as it has the ADA seal. Whitening toothpastes are popular and use a mild abrasive like baking soda to remove stains on the surface of your teeth. Some also contain hydrogen peroxide to bleach your teeth gently. If you have sensitive teeth, gingivitis, or other oral issues, try a toothpaste made especially for your condition. For small children who might still swallow the toothpaste, a toothpaste without added fluoride is best. These are kinds of toothpaste with only natural ingredients available for people who prefer to avoid chemicals. The most popular toothpaste flavor is mint, but berries, cinnamon, citrus, and herbal-flavored toothpaste are also available. 

When considering a mouthwash, it should be no surprise that the ADA seal is the first thing you should look for. Like toothpaste, many kinds of mouthwashes are tailored to different oral needs. The purpose of mouthwash is to decrease bacteria in the mouth after brushing. Bacteria eating the stuff left on your teeth causes cavities, so if you don't currently use mouthwash in your oral care routine, it may be time to add it! Most mouthwashes use alcohol to kill off germs. Some may use other germ-killing ingredients. If you have children, alcohol-free mouthwashes are made especially for kids and come in many flavors and bottle designs. 

Dental floss
Floss is an essential part of an oral care routine. It helps to remove bits of food and plaque from between teeth. Most people are familiar with the box of waxed, minty floss that you wrap around your fingers and slide between your teeth. However, there are also floss picks that you might find more straightforward
. You hold the plastic part of the pick in your fingers and slide the floss end between your teeth. 

No matter what products you choose to use in your oral health routine, remember these tips for a clean, healthy mouth: 

  • Look for the ADA seal of approval
  • Choose products you like and will want to use
  • Brush and rinse twice a day and floss at least once a day

You will be on your way to excellent oral health in no time between these tips and regular oral health evaluations

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