Solstice Oral & Vision Health Blog

Share a smile, spread happiness on World Kindness Day

Written by Alissa Gavrilescu | Nov 13, 2020 @ 01:00 PM

Did you know that it’s World Kindness Day? It’s a perfect opportunity to share a smile, make someone’s day or just perform a random act of kindness.

I believe that a smile is contagious. In the world of health care, the word “contagious” typically brings to mind thoughts of germs, colds and other icky things. But -- contagious can also be good. When you smile, you can inspires others to smile, laugh and enjoy a moment; it’s contagious.

When you see someone smiling, you can’t help but smile yourself. The same when someone holds a door open for you or picks up something that you dropped. These simple acts of kindness, these small smile moments, are contagious. Chances are, when you create a smile for someone, they will share that smile with others, and on and on.

So today, in honor of World Kindness Day, we’re offering a few ideas to share a smile, spread happiness and create a contagious movement of kindness. Here are 10 simple ways to create smile moments today:

  1. Say “hi” to a stranger.
  2. Send someone a thank you note and let them know how much you appreciate them. Whether it's an email, text or taking the time to write something handwritten. Showing your appreciate goes a long way. 
  3. Donate clothing to a charity or canned food to a food pantry or homeless shelter.
  4. Take a moment to call someone you know – a friend, family member or co-worker – and ask them how they are doing. Make it all about them.
  5. Donate used books to a library.
  6. Help your spouse, partner or roommate with a chore around the house.
  7. Hold the door open for someone. Bring chivalry back!
  8. Allow someone to check out ahead of you at the store or supermarket.
  9. Send a card to a solider overseas. There are plenty of organizations that can help you, such as USO.
  10. Treat your co-worker to a coffee break or bring in a yummy treat for your department.

Remember, when you smile, it’s not only about your oral health. It’s about showcasing the best part of you. It’s about combining health and confidence. Well-being with living well. It’s about creating and celebrating life’s happiest moments.