Solstice Insurance Broker Blog

Best Practices for Brokers: Make Social Media Work For Your Business

Written by Autumn Miller | Feb 26, 2021 3:00:00 PM

A strong social media presence can do your business wonders. It doesn’t cost anything to create and maintain profiles on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and each outlet can put you in direct contact with potential new clients.

While it’s important to post – and post often – you also need to do so with savvy. As a broker, you’re not expected to be an expert. After all, you don’t work in social media. So how do you keep up with this quickly changing landscape? By adhering to these best practices for brokers, you can easily make these online outlets work for you.

Listen, and then listen some more. 
Social media works best when it’s a conversation between parties, not a one-sided lecture. Both Twitter and Facebook are ideal places to gather feedback from your clients. Ask questions and follow up on responses, especially any negative ones. This lets everyone see that you care, and when people know they’re being heard, they feel more valued. Familiarize yourself with Twitter’s Direct Message feature, which allows you to take conversations from the public to the private realm and respond to specific individuals one-on-one. Every positive review you get will speak for itself.

A little bragging goes a long way.
Post stories, testimonials, and pictures that show the personality behind your business and how you will be there for your clients. Generate positive press by sharing any awards or news and post pictures from community events you’re involved in. Or, profile employees so clients can put a smiling face to a name. You can tell a client what your business is like, but seeing is believing.

Knowledge is power.
Use your social media outlets to educate and empower your clients. People like being informed about topics that affect them, and you can be there to help. Use the character count on Twitter to your advantage and share a short daily tip. Instagram and Facebook are great places to post visuals like infographics. Post helpful content and you can become an invaluable resource for guidelines and advice. Let the Solstice blog be your resource.

If you’re quiet, your competitors only seem louder.
The chances that your competitors have their own Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages are pretty good. These days, you run the risk of potential clients thinking you’re “behind the times” if your posts and profiles aren’t current and active. Many people turn to social media to gather information, and if you're not there, you're missing out. The big three (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) aren't the only social media platforms you should be using though  - LinkedIn is a great way to take your social media presence to the next level, and make networking easier while you're at it! To get started with LinkedIn be sure to download our FREE guide by clicking the image below!