Wellness programs can be a big win for employees and insurance brokers too. Brokers can utilize this tool to increase sales— and it’s one that employers want. Why? Because healthy employees equal savings on overall healthcare costs for employers. Plus, wellness programs provide excellent employee engagement opportunities. Many carriers are providing interactive and personalized online wellness programs that are accessible online or through an app. Employees become engaged in wellness programs that allow them to earn points for making healthy choices in areas such as diet, exercise, and overall wellness. The points can be redeemed for rewards such as digital cameras, hotel stays, sports equipment, movie tickets, and more.
Wellness programs provide your clients with tools that encourage employees to reach their health and wellness goals. Participants typically begin by creating a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), which helps them identify areas for improvement and create a personal wellness plan. Many programs offer the ability to create customized menus with a specified calorie range and dietary restrictions such as diabetic, gluten-free, heart-healthy, vegan, and vegetarian. Other features of wellness programs allow members to:
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). EAPs are another great selling point for your clients. They assist employees when they need help and support with many aspects of their lives. Participants can access:
Consider these programs as additional benefits to offer your clients. They want them, and they're beneficial for overall employee health and satisfaction.