Many dental insurance brokers expect business to slow down at different times of the year and the summer is one of those times. But it doesn't have to be that way. Many successful brokers write a lot of business and make a lot of money during the summer months. They do it by staying focused and delivering value—both potential and actual. Here are some ideas to keep your sales momentum during summer slow down.
Back to Basics
Refocus on you and why your clients buy from you. What advantages do you offer?
Make a list. Your list is going to include such points as the range of dental programs you can provide, the costs and benefits of each plan, and how each plan is geared towards a client type. You might separate them into group and individual plans, state-regulated insurance or managed care. You know the range you offer, so focus on them.
Know the benefits provided and the risks avoided by each product type. A business owner or companies providing dental coverage for employees have needs that differ from a single person or family. Make your lists so you are clear about the details you intend on selling.
This exercise will help you decide which products and which client areas you want to focus on for the summer.
Why You?
People buy from people they like, know, trust, respect and feel comfortable with. Some of your prospective clients lean more toward “trust and respect” while others lean more toward “like and feel comfortable with.” So, remind yourself of what you, personally, bring to each client meeting and what it is about you that encourages clients to sign up for the programs you recommend.
Be your best and couple that to the product offerings you want to focus on in the next few months. These steps give you your motivation and your message.
Effective Marketing
The world does not beat a path to your door; you have to go out to the world. Today, marketing is easier to do in many ways. Your marketing medium is broad. Focus on the avenues you have in place, many of which are at your fingertips.
Facebook and LinkedIn—plus personal contact—are the three most effective ways to contact prospects and to encourage them to want to stay in contact with you.
Remember it takes about seven contacts, or “touches” before someone is ready to make a buying decision. You likely have many prospects but perhaps they haven't bought one of your plans because the time isn't right yet, they haven't seen a plan that appeals enough or they haven't actually decided they should have a dental plan.
People need useful and relevant information that will solve a problem or that will deliver a benefit. The problems and benefits must be real, personal to them and timely. Your marketing will encourage them to learn, enable them to relate what they learn to their own situation (in this case, business) and cause them to make a decision.
The best decision is that they buy from you, but equally useful decisions are that they want to keep learning about you and what you can offer, and want you to provide the specific info they need. Those decisions lead to them buying from you.
Making the most of summer is simple and straightforward. These steps make for powerful results. Always remember—if you work the strategy, the strategy will work. You know how many new clients you want this summer, so add that number to your list.