Oral & Vision Health Blog

5 Questions to Ask Your Family Dentist

One of the biggest benefits of a family dentist is having a single place for all your oral health questions. But, a lot of people just shake their heads when it's time for questions. Knowing the common questions to ask when you have the chance can help you improve your family’s oral health. Here are 5 questions you might want to ask your family dentist at your next appointment.

  • How is my family’s overall oral health? If your family dentist has seen your family for a long time, she might notice some larger trends that give a big picture of your family’s oral health. Things like your family’s diet and even stress levels can impact their overall oral health. Keeping the big picture of your family’s health in mind can help you and your family dentist create the best oral health plan for everyone.
  • Has my family’s diet change impacted our oral health? Your family’s oral health might not be the first thing you think about when changing your family’s diet. But diet changes can have big effects on your oral health. Switching preservatives and artificial sweeteners for fruits and veggies is a great choice for your overall health. But natural sugars and acids in fruits can harm your family’s teeth if you don’t change your brushing habits. Asking your family dentist about your diet’s effect on your family’s oral health will help make sure everyone stays on track!
  • How can I show my kids good brushing and flossing habits? You might think the best time to talk to your dentist about your kids’ brushing habits is during their appointment. But if your kids are nervous about being in the dentist’s chair, the best time to learn about teaching them brushing habits might be during your own appointment. There, you have your dentist’s full attention and can get the detailed answers you need to work with your kids and develop good brushing habits.
  • Is there anything my primary doctor needs to know about my family’s oral health? It is important to remember that your family’s oral health is related to their overall health. Changes in oral health could be linked to medical problems, medication or other things your doctor should be aware of. Asking your dentist if they’ve noticed anything you should tell your doctor helps make sure information about your family’s health is communicated clearly and any health problems are identified early.
  • What can I do to improve my family’s oral health? This might seem like the first question, but it’s still an important one to ask. There might be things you can do to improve your family’s oral health beyond regular brushing, flossing and dental checkups. Your dentist might recommend your kids use an electric toothbrush or a water-pick, or maybe cutting back on your household coffee drinking to help everyone’s enamel strength.

The best way to know what’s working for your family’s oral health (and what isn’t) is to ask your dentist, Regular examinations and asking your dentist questions are key to ensuring your family gets the most from their oral health routine. Having a dental plan that works for your family makes it easier to keep up with regular appointments - so make sure to carefully research your dental plan options and pick one that’s right for your family. After all, the more frequently you're able to see your dentist, the more often you can ask her questions! To help - check out our plan selection guide below! 

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