Oral & Vision Health Blog

Oral Health and the Importance of Self Care

Discovering the keys to optimal self-care may feel like finding a hidden treasure. Luckily there are actionable steps you can take to enhance your overall well-being. You can ...
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How Oral Health Education Boosts Academic Success

The success of your child in school is crucial for their future. But have you ever considered the connection between oral health and academic excellence? Studies show that good ...
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American Heart Month: This is How Dental Health Helps Heart Health

February is American Heart Month, not just because of Valentine’s Day! The Month brings attention to heart disease prevention. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the ...
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Facing your Fears at the Dentist

Are you afraid to see your dentist? You have lots of company. Research shows that about 36 percent of Americans avoid dentists out of fear. Many people have enough anxiety that ...
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Types of Dental Floss: Which is Right for You?

We all know that we should be flossing, but only about 30% of U.S. adults report flossing every day. Are you one of the many Americans who doesn't floss as often as they should? ...
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6 Dental Hygiene Tips for You and Your Kids!

Good dental hygiene is more than just going to the dentist. It's an everyday practice! A daily dental routine will help you and your family keep your teeth white and your breath ...
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Treatments For Teens Who Want to Whiten Their Teeth

Your teenager comes home saying all of their friends are whitening their teeth and they want to do it too. What should you do?
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Does Dental Health Affect Your Immune System?

Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but affects the health of your immune system and overall health. Your immune system is connected to every part of ...
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Coffee Stains Your Teeth? Here's What You Need to Know

Coffee is the fuel of a nation, so you should know how it affects your physical and oral teeth. Coffee—it is a major part of our lives, and the numbers back it up. Americans are ...
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Your Dental Questions Answered: How Do I Know If I Have a Cavity?

Often the first thought that comes to mind when you are experiencing tooth pain is "Uh oh, I have a cavity." According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of cavities include:
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