Oral & Vision Health Blog

8 Things to Know About LASIK

LASIK eye surgery has become increasingly popular in the last decade for people who need assistance in seeing more clearly. Whether they are nearsighted or farsighted, LASIK can help correct complications in eyesight. The procedure itself uses a type oflaser to reshape the cornea of the eye. Afterwards, most people do not need to bother with glasses or contacts anymore.

 Because this procedure literally changes lives, there are several important things to know about LASIK surgery. To make an informed decision, consider some of these points:

  1. The surgery is usually for those people who are 18 and older. The doctor will ensure your prescription has stabilized so that after LASIK, it will not need enhancing every year. The prescription should remain the same after the procedure.
  2. There are issues that may cause a problem in getting LASIK. These include having a thick cornea or producing huge amounts of tears. By scheduling an appointment to talk with your eye doctor about these and other health issues, you can find out the risk and decide if you want to move forward. Other eye problems may delay you getting surgery, such as glaucoma and cataracts.
  3. The surgery itself is a little expensive. The normal cost today is around $2,000 per eye. This price may vary depending on where you live, who performs the surgery, and what type of package comes with the surgery (Follow-up appointments or care after the procedure).
  4. It is a very safe procedure. Today, they use a bladeless type of surgery. Most people do not even experience any complications afterwards.
  5. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the surgery itself takes roughly 30 minutes. As you recline in a comfortable chair, the staff will place some numbing drops in each eye. After these take effect, a type of speculum holds the lids open during the procedure. The doctor creates a flap in the cornea, and you may feel some pressure and experience some dimness in vision while this is happening. The laser then flattens the cornea to the required shape for your vision needs. At the end of the procedure, the doctor will close the flap back over the cornea.
  6. After the surgery, you will need to take specific medications to help the eye heal for about a week. These medications consist of antibiotics, artificial tears, or steroids depending on the patient’s needs. You will also be required to wear a shield to protect the eye as no stitches are necessary.
  7. Both eyes are usually done on the same day. Some patients may need to have LASIK on one eye at a time. Either way, make sure to take sunglasses with you to wear after the procedure. The eyes will be very sensitive to light. Dryness also occurs for a while after the surgery in some patients. There may also be burning, itching, or the feeling that something is in your eye. Vision in one or both eyes starts out blurry at first.
  8. Most patients return to work within 24 to 48 hours of the procedure. Make sure the doctor checks your healing progress before returning to sports or heavy exercise programs. The patient should also avoid going swimming for at least two months following the procedure.

LASIK is a vision saver for some patients. Both those who can see close up or at a distance can benefit from this procedure. The important thing is to have a complete work-up and eye exam beforehand to make sure there will be no complications afterwards.


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