Oral & Vision Health Blog

What Happens During an Eye Exam?

An eye exam can feel daunting sometimes, especially if you don't know what to expect. Being prepared can go a long way toward increasing your comfort level when you go to the ...
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Can’t See Clearly? 5 Bad Habits that Cause Vision Damage

It can start with a squint or adjusting an object in focus, but eventually most of us experience some form of vision problems as we age. Often, we assume this is just a normal ...
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Chewing Gum vs. Flossing: What Really Works

We hear the plea every time we visit our dentist: floss to keep your mouth healthy and your gums strong. But what if we chew gum? Is it as effective as floss? Does that mean we ...
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How Millennials Can Get Cheap Dental Insurance

Taking care of your oral health should be a priority even when you are young. Although many young adults feel they will not need to worry about their teeth for years, it’s ...
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Know You’re A.B.C.s: Autism, Braces & your Child - Help Them Prepare

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents as a variety of sensory and communicative issues that can trigger behaviors during a dental visit. This means a whole new set of obstacles ...
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How Lead in Water Affects the Teeth and Body

Flint, Mich. has made huge headlines over the past several months because of the water crisis happening there. About two years ago, the state decided to save money—during a ...
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Eye Floaters: What Are They?

It's a bright, sunny day. Your eyesight is clear, but then you see something float across your eye. You think it's something outside but the same speck moves with you to the next ...
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Detection and Treatment of Macular Degeneration

According to the National Eye Institute, macular degeneration causes vision loss due to damage to the macula, which is important for central vision. The rate of progression of the ...
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What is Pre-Orthodontia for Children?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have an initial evaluation by an orthodontist at age seven. Many parents are surprised to learn that their child ...
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Invisalign: Is it Worth Going the Extra Mile?

As an adult considering braces, you may be wondering if Invisalign is the way to go. After all, you may not want a mouth full of braces. Invisalign is more discreet, right?
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