It’s your job to find people who need insurance. You spend countless hours and funds on visiting prospective clients both in-person and virtually. But, if you're not using this resource, you're missing out on having more reach and gaining more clients. The resource you need to add to your daily routine is the social media platform, Twitter.
Just about everyone is on some form of social media nowadays. Each platform has their specific strengths, which allow users to gather the best information for their needs or connect with the right people. Twitter, for example, started off as a “status update” platform, until businesses got a hold of it. Today, businesses use Twitter to give short, descriptive updates on news and events, connect with customers as an extension of their standard customer service offerings, and scout out prospective clients.
All this information is at the fingertips of you and your business. However, it is important that you use the tool correctly. Twitter is meant to be used to harvest conversations and help you network – not only posting about yourself. Often, a few tweets back and forth will lead to a professional relationship that would not have formed in any other way.
With over 330 million monthly active users, Twitter is considered an encyclopedia of resources for businesses of all kinds – including insurance brokerages! By following the right accounts, you can help build your business. The following is a list of 6 dental twitter accounts you should be following that have gotten the hang of Twitter and should inspire you with your own account.
Now is the time to connect with these and so many other active tweeters in the dental and insurance world. The list above is merely a snapshot of all the information you can find on Twitter (once again) for FREE! If you’re unsure of how to use Twitter or set up an account, download our social media for business eBook. You’ll be on your way to a new scope of clients in no time!