Oral & Vision Health Blog

Facing your Fears at the Dentist

Are you afraid to see your dentist? You have lots of company. Research shows that about 36 percent of Americans avoid dentists out of fear. Many people have enough anxiety that ...
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It’s Back to School Time: Don’t Forget a Dental Check-Up!

You've bought new clothes, shoes, back packs, school supplies, and you've marked off all the back-to-school to-do items on your list. But how about a back-to-school dental check ...
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The Process of Getting Dentures for the First Time

The good news about getting dentures is that you will have a full new smile and live more confidently, but the process of getting dentures does not happen overnight. The process ...
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Oral Care Tips for Seniors

Aging is a part of life. And with it can come an increased risk of health issues, including oral health problems. It’s very important to keep up your good oral hygiene habits as ...
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Ophthalmologists and Optometrists: What's the Difference?

Do you know the difference between an ophthalmologist and an optometrist? Do you find yourself confusing the two professions? If so, you are not alone. Many people make the same ...
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Be Sure to Tell your Dentist about Possible Latex Allergies

Latex allergies may be among the trickiest of all relatively common allergies. The symptoms are often similar to other allergies or the common cold, and you may get in contact ...
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Tricks for Keeping Your Kids’ Teeth Cavity-Free

Halloween, Easter, Hanukah, The 4th of July - no matter the season there's always a holiday filled with sugary snacks around the corner. You don’t want to spoil the fun, but ...
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The Dentist Says You Need a Deep Cleaning…Why?

You've been meaning to get to the dentist. You remember as a child you went every six months, no matter what. You've been busy lately and haven't had any problems with your teeth, ...
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6 Dental Hygiene Tips for You and Your Kids!

Good dental hygiene is more than just going to the dentist. It's an everyday practice! A daily dental routine will help you and your family keep your teeth white and your breath ...
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Your Dentist Recommends Gum Grafting -- What to Expect.

When I was younger, I wasn't so gentle when brushing my teeth. I thought I was being thorough. But in reality, I was pushing my gums up and away from my teeth. For years, I’ve had ...
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