Oral & Vision Health Blog

10 Ways to Make the World a Happier Place | Solstice Insurance

In this fast-paced environment we live in day in and day out, it’s easy to forget about the little things we can do to make our world a better, happier place. See how you can ...
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5 Vision Conditions to be Aware of as you Age

Once you reach middle-age, you may begin to notice changes in your vision. Maybe you'll need glasses to read or perhaps driving at night will become more difficult. Changes in ...
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Is Sleep Apnea Keeping You Up All Night? Know the Signs!

The grind of daily life has an energy-zapping effect on most of us. But if you’re constantly falling asleep at your desk—or any time you sit down for that matter—it may be ...
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Are Eye Floaters a Serious Vision Problem?

It's a bright sunny day. Your eyesight is clear, until you see something float across your eye. You think it's something outside but the same speck moves with you to the next ...
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8 Ways to Stay Healthy Year Round

Many of us believe that we are “healthy” because we aren’t in the doctor’s office with a cold or taking some kind of medication on a regular basis. However, there are many other ...
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Top Affordable Care Act Terms for Consumers

The insurance world uses lots of industry acronyms, terminology and jargon. From MOOPs to SHOPs to EHBs, it’s no wonder the new health care terms coming out of Washington with the ...
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Guest Blogger: Defeat your Fear of the Dentist

Odontophobia or dentophobia refers to an excessive fear of dentistry and receiving dental care. While not everyone has the same fear, it’s safe to assume most people have a ...
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LASIK: See the Advantages

Anyone who wears contact lenses knows how irritable they can be. They dry out your eyes, rip, become dirty, get stuck under your eyelids…and many more annoyances. It doesn’t help ...
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6 Tips for Relieving the Frustration of Dry Mouth

The medical term is xerostomia. However, most people refer to it by a much more common term: dry mouth. Simply put, dry mouth is when saliva production decreases. This makes it ...
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Creative Strategies to Improve Oral Health for Kids

Stumped for ways to help your child take better care of their mouth? Here are a few strategies to consider guaranteed to improve oral health:
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