Oral & Vision Health Blog

The Link between Oral Health and Preterm Birth

Staying healthy for you and your baby is, of course, a top priority when you’re pregnant. But, being healthy during pregnancy means more than simply eating the right foods and ...
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Guest Blogger: Improving Self-Confidence with Smile Makeovers

Do you often find yourself avoiding cameras clicking in front of you? Covering your mouth when you talk or laugh while in public? Shying away from dating because you don’t feel ...
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3 Lipstick Colors that Make Your Pearly Whites Pop!

Dentists often tell us that the longer we brush and the more we floss, the more pearly white our smiles will get. Many of us have spent a pretty penny on at-home teeth whitening ...
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Toothbrush Buying Tutorial: Electric, Power, Manual—and the Differences Between Them

Take a stroll down the toothbrush/toothpaste aisle in the grocery store, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So many choices. Do electric and power ones clean better than manual ...
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Guest Blogger: Should You Bite On Dental Insurance? Top Factors to Consider When Looking for Dental Coverage

Dental insurance is one of those things that people will admit they might need, but because of how expensive it can be, may avoid biting into it at all. They assume they’ll never ...
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Consumer Tips for Shopping for Dental Plans in the Marketplaces

In most state Marketplaces (Exchanges)*, consumers can choose pediatric dental coverage as part of their medical policy or as a separate dental policy. Pediatric dental coverage ...
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The Blood Sugar-Oral Health Connection: Manage Diabetes with Good Oral Hygiene

Did you know oral health plays a significant role in the body's overall health, particularly when it comes to certain chronic conditions such as diabetes? Diabetes affects how a ...
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Is your child a tooth grinder? Find out how you can help!

You tip toe into your sleeping child's room for one last goodnight kiss, and expect to hear the sound of peaceful, quiet breathing. Except instead you hear his teeth grinding ...
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Oral Health Tips: Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Bad for You?

Studies have long shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has helped prevent tooth decay in children and adults. Now, a recent study out of Australia found that adults with ...
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