Oral & Vision Health Blog

Is your child a tooth grinder? Find out how you can help!

You tip toe into your sleeping child's room for one last goodnight kiss, and expect to hear the sound of peaceful, quiet breathing. Except instead you hear his teeth grinding ...
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Oral Health Tips: Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Bad for You?

Studies have long shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has helped prevent tooth decay in children and adults. Now, a recent study out of Australia found that adults with ...
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Open Access = Easy Access to Your Ancillary Benefits Needs

What makes Solstice’s ancillary benefits plans—such as dental and vision—stand out from the rest? Three words: open access network!
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What You Need to Know About Dental Implants

A dental implant procedure is when an oral surgeon or periodontist surgically places an artificial tooth that's permanently fused in the jawbone. Decades ago, if you lost a ...
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