Oral & Vision Health Blog

Dental Fillings: What are they and what will it cost me?

You’re at the dentist having your routine cleaning and after checking your X-rays; your dentist says you’ll need a filling on one of your teeth. Most likely, you’ve developed a ...
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The Package Deal: Braces, Benefits and your Budget

So your dentist said you need braces – most of us do. We’re pretty sure the first thing that popped into your mind was dollar signs. How much your braces are going to cost you is ...
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Why Did My Dental Implant Fail?

Choosing to replace a tooth with a dental implant is a big decision and a financial investment. Once you complete your implant procedure, you’re going to want to take extra care ...
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Stop Your Nail Biting Habit with These 5 Tips!

Are you a nail biter? Aside from ragged, bitten nails looking unattractive, nail biting can also affect your health. When you bite your nails, you transfer bacteria from your ...
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Ugh I Chipped a Tooth—What Should I Do?

You just ate dinner at your favorite restaurant and you grab one of those hard candy mints they always have by the door on your way out. All you wanted was to freshen your breath, ...
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Millennials: Discount Dental Plans Just May do the Job

You don’t have dental insurance. So, you’ve been putting off going to the dentist because you fear the cost. What happens if you need a lot of work? Who wants to fork out the ...
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Is it Time to Break Up with Your Dentist?

Few people go to the dentist for fun, but there's no reason a dental visit has to be the nightmare-ish experience many people dread. If you've found that either physical or ...
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Oral Health is Important for Your 4-Legged Friend Too!

Veterinarians have known for years that dental care of pets is important to overall health but pet owners don't seem to have received the message. It is estimated that two-thirds ...
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Retiring to Florida? Know your Dental Plan Options

As a retiree, you have decided to make a big change by relocating to sunny Florida. Relocating at any point in life is stressful. There are so many details, lists and tasks to ...
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Chewing Gum and Breath Mints—Which is Better?

If you're one of those people who always has to have something in your mouth, you're probably a consumer of gum or mints. Or maybe you just like to have fresh breath. Either way, ...
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