Oral & Vision Health Blog

5 Things to Look for in Your Vision Plan

Unhappy with your current vision plan? Still in the process of selecting a company to meet your family's vision care needs? Here are five things to look for in a vision plan that ...
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Dental Care: When Should you get a Second Opinion?

At an exam, your dentist says you have a mouthful of problems that require major dental work. Like, really major and really expensive. Before you just blindly make that ...
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Financing Dental Work: What to Consider

You are at your annual dental checkup. Your dentist has just delivered the unwelcome news: you will be needing significant work done this time around (think dental implants--a ...
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Can Healthy Teeth Save You Money?: The Value of Low-Cost Dentistry

Gum disease is known to have an effect on pregnancy, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health conditions. The common thread is inflammation, which is the body’s natural ...
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Things to Consider for Orthodontia: Preventive Treatment

It has been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that is as true of orthodontics as it is anything else. More and more people are electing to take ...
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Eating Disorders Wreak Havoc on the Teeth

Unfortunately, millions of people—especially women—in the U.S. suffer from eating disorders. The pressure to have an ideal figure can feel crushing with constant advertisements ...
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How Smoking Affects your Mouth

It's no secret that smoking can give you bad breath. But how smoking affects your mouth is often surprising.
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The Gross Truth: Burping Can Damage Your Teeth

It’s Friday night and you place an order for delicious hot wings. Immediately after your dinner, you find yourself regretting your decision. Acid reflux and heartburn kicks in ...
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6 Dental Habits You Need to Stop... NOW!

You may think that chewing on ice or candy is no big deal, when in fact, you’re gradually wearing down and essentially destroying your teeth! That’s right – destroying. Sometimes ...
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7 Ways to Encourage Your Children to Brush Their Teeth

Much like eating healthy food or going to bed on time, brushing teeth properly is an activity that kids often resist. However, it can't be ignored, because brushing properly ...
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