Oral & Vision Health Blog

5 Things to Look for In a Dental Office

Whether it’s because your insurance has changed, you have moved to a new location, or you just want to change dentists, you want to find a dental office that checks all the boxes. ...
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Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body

Need another reason to keep your teeth in tip top shape? How about this -- your overall health depends on it!
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Why Don’t Dentists Accept Dental Insurance?

You went to the dentist, and the receptionist told you the office does not take your insurance. It is a rough moment – you are caught between paying for your care out of your ...
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Maintaining your Oral Hygiene during Thanksgiving

It’s time to feast! The turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, pies, and beverages await! But, if you don’t practice good holiday oral hygiene for Thanksgiving (and leftovers!), ...
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Facing your Fears at the Dentist

Are you afraid to see your dentist? You have lots of company. Research shows that about 36 percent of Americans avoid dentists out of fear. Many people have enough anxiety that ...
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What Is DIY Ortho?

When we think of DIY we tend to think of a long Saturday filled with sawdust and splinters. Luckily, when it comes to do-it-yourself orthodontic treatment, it’s not nearly so ...
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Kids & Contact Lenses: What You Need to Know

Is your child ready for contact lenses? They may be at a certain age where glasses are “uncool”, or they’ve entered a contact sport that makes glasses difficult. In any case, ...
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It’s Back to School Time: Don’t Forget a Dental Check-Up!

You've bought new clothes, shoes, back packs, school supplies, and you've marked off all the back-to-school to-do items on your list. But how about a back-to-school dental check ...
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5 Questions to Ask Your Family Dentist

One of the biggest benefits of a family dentist is having a single place for all your oral health questions. But, a lot of people just shake their heads when it's time for ...
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The Process of Getting Dentures for the First Time

The good news about getting dentures is that you will have a full new smile and live more confidently, but the process of getting dentures does not happen overnight. The process ...
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