Oral & Vision Health Blog

Fairy Magic: The Surprising Origin of the Tooth Fairy

Most of us grew up filling our piggy banks with the money we received for our baby teeth as we lost them. Who could forget the overwhelming excitement they felt the morning they ...
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Dental Emergencies: What to Do and When

We can never predict when an emergency will occur. And dental emergencies are no exception. It could be a sudden toothache, a broken tooth, or a knocked-out tooth. Knowing how to ...
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The Dangers of Dental Injuries: What to Know

When we think about oral health issues, we normally think about cavities or gum disease or toothaches. However, there is a hidden danger lurking in our daily lives - dental ...
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Play Safe, Work Safe: Tips to Protect Your Eyes

Athletes and working professionals alike are used to pushing their limits to achieve success. One aspect that often gets overlooked is eye safety. Whether your terrain is the ...
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Fireworks and Eye Safety: Tips for a Happy 4th

The Fourth of July is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family and friends. From throwing a BBQ to enjoying a day off work, there is not much more you could ask for. And ...
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Protect Your Mouth in the Sun: Dental Health Tips for Summer

We all know about fun in the sun! But did you know summer is also a time when our oral health can suffer?
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From Genes to Gums: Are Dental Problems Hereditary?

Have you wondered why some people seem to have perfect teeth? You could be brushing, flossing, and going in for regular dental checkups. And somehow, you’re still struggling with ...
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Four Ways to Tell if your Child Needs Glasses

For parents with less than 20/20 vision, a pressing concern likely is their children's eyesight. If you're trying to identify vision difficulties or changes in your child's ...
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Inside the Epidemic of Myopia in Kids: What You Can Do

Myopia is a growing concern worldwide. You may also have heard the terms “short-sightedness” and “nearsightedness.” It has become prevalent in children and teenagers and is being ...
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What is a Root Canal and How is it Treated?

Is your tooth throbbing? Is it sensitive to hot and/or cold foods and drinks? Is this the same tooth your dentist or dental hygienist has been monitoring? If so, you may need a ...
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