How to Score Some Free Business Marketing for Your Dental Practice: LinkedIn

Posted by Autumn Miller on Apr 22, 2020 10:30:00 AM



When it comes to marketing your dental practice, it's crucial to maximize your online presence. While every online outlet, from websites to Instagram, can boost your exposure, LinkedIn stands out for dentists. With its professional focus and millions of global professionals using it, LinkedIn offers unique benefits such as industry-specific networking and recruitment opportunities, making it a platform you can't afford to ignore.

Among Social Media, LinkedIn is Less Social (and More Business)

While a Facebook business profile is valuable, LinkedIn can't be beaten in terms of industry networking opportunities. It's where professionals interact with one another and make new connections. LinkedIn has over 571 million global users. Almost everyone you would want to reach is there.

LinkedIn is not just a platform for professional networking, it's also a powerful recruitment tool. If you're in need of fresh staff, LinkedIn makes the process easy and efficient. You can look for candidates based on location, industry, skill set, and additional filters using the search bar. You can also create your job posting with the skills and requirements you're looking for, giving you the power to find the perfect fit for your dental practice. 

Actively Engaging on LinkedIn is a Way to Market Yourself – For Free

At its most basic level, a LinkedIn profile is an online portfolio or résumé. But you can take it way beyond that by adding achievements, awards, recommendations, and other extras. This is where you can show off what you've done – and impress potential new clients.

LinkedIn ranks highly on search engines like Google. So, you'll want your name and all your accomplishments to shine when your profile pops up. Plus, with more profile views, you get a free marketing tool.

Beyond a user's profile, LinkedIn has groups designed to encourage conversations related to specific industries, occupations, and locations. You can share company blogs on your homepage, comment on content that your connections post, and put ads on company pages. When you engage, you're inviting others to view your profile, which again can bump up your ranking in search engine results.

Finally, the LinkedIn team does a great job of maintaining a tone of professionalism throughout the platform. It also gives users, including dentists, a large amount of control. You have the ultimate say on how your profile looks, what content you share, and who you connect with. You can create a profile, a business page, or both, tailoring your presence to your professional needs. Additionally, there are privacy settings you'll want to familiarize yourself with and use to ensure your online presence is secure.


Take advantage of all LinkedIn has to offer. Spruce up your profile, get involved, and benefit from free business marketing today.


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Topics: business marketing, LinkedIn for dentists

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