How to Market Your Dental Practice

Posted by Erica Laceria on Jan 26, 2023 3:43:00 PM


We know you're always on the lookout for new patients. Due to the ever-fluctuating economy, they aren’t so easy to come by. So how can you continue to expand your practice when everyone already has their go-to dentist? We sat down with Dr. Leonard Weiss to gain insight on how his marketing techniques grew his business into a million-dollar practice. Here’s what he had to say on how to market your dental practice.

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Topics: dental provider, dental provider florida, provider, marketing, expanding your practice, tips for providers, best marketing practices, dental marketing, dental office expansion

Dentists Using Social Media: How to Make Connections

Posted by Erica Laceria on Jan 19, 2023 5:34:00 PM

Even in today’s digital world there are professionals who avoid social media. As online marketing becomes more popular, patients might wonder why their dentist is not using social media. After all, it offers plenty of benefits that coordinate casual interactions with professional standards.

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Topics: grow dental practice, dentist marketing, tips for dentists, dentists social media, social media marketing for dentists, dental social media management, social media and dentistry

Social Media for your Dental Practice

Posted by Kate Ranta on Jan 19, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Social media for your dental practice is essential. Whether for marketing or sharing information, social media can provide an affordable way to reach your target audience. There are various types of social media platforms in which your dental practice can engage to maintain patient relationships and attract new business. But as you might have already found, merely creating social profiles for your dental practice won’t bring you much success. There are additional steps you must take to gain attention and get the most out of your social media efforts. 

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Topics: dental marketing, digital marketing for dentists, dentists social media, dental social media management, social media and dentistry, dental practice social media, online dental marketing, dental digital marketing

A Three-Step Guide on How to Get Dental Claims Paid Faster

Posted by Andrew Hickey on Jan 10, 2023 5:01:00 PM

Getting dental claims paid sometimes requires additional time. This could be used for seeing patients and managing your office. With that in mind, there are steps you can take before and after an appointment to make the process more seamless.

You will already be familiar with the dental claims process when everything is running smoothly. Processing times can vary from state to state, but typically can take anywhere from 15-60 days. Delays can happen if the insurance company requires additional information about the services provided. So, you will want to make sure you have submitted all the information needed the first time around.

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Topics: how to get dental claims paid, how to submit dental claims electronically, how long do dental insurance claims take, dental claims review, how to process dental insurance claims, dental claims, dental insurance not paying claims

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