Insurance Broker Blog

10 Steps to Build Your Insurance Client Base

Follow these steps to build your insurance client base to achieve your goals. Reaching your sales goals can seem challenging at times. However, by focusing on the 10 specific ...
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6 Dental Tweeters You Should Be Following

It’s your job to find people who need insurance. You spend countless hours and funds on visiting prospective clients both in-person and virtually. But, if you're not using this ...
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Four Presentations Every Insurance Broker Should See

Being an insurance broker is a challenge. You must stay current with health care reform, go to meetings, answer calls and texts--and often you have to get up in front of a group ...
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Get on the Gram! 10 Tips on How Instagram Can Benefit Your Business

Social media is changing the way you do business. By utilizing these free platforms, it can help boost your business results and get your name out there. One social media platform ...
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The Next Level: Community Involvement for Dental Insurance Brokers

The more involved your dental insurance brokerage is in your community the more you, your team, and your business can become recognized as a valuable member of that community. ...
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7 Reasons Every Independent Insurance Broker Needs a Web Presence

Let’s face it – the loose-leaf days of newspaper ads and magazine flyers are long gone. For most shopping, research, and reviews, we hop online to conduct a Google search before ...
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Get Results: Why Small Businesses Want a Benefits Advisor

The Affordable Care Act was legislated in order to provide a straightforward and safe approach to buying healthcare and comparing prices. But if it were all that easy, then surely ...
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What Role Do Ancillary Benefits Play in Private Exchanges?

You may already know this, but just in case you don’t: health insurance carriers are touting their voluntary products to consumers shopping on private exchanges. And, a survey ...
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Has the Private Exchange Market Stalled or is it Just Getting Started?

When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March of 2010, its purpose was to ensure that all American citizens were given access to medical care. Within the scope of its ...
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Computer Vision Syndrome: Protect Your Eyes from Screen Damage

Brokers work hard to attract and retain clients, keep up with health plan changes, and more. Between electronic calendars, email, social media, and online information gathering, ...
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