Social Media for your Dental Practice

Posted by Kate Ranta on Jan 19, 2023 12:00:00 PM


Hand holding smartphone with hand drawn media icons and symbols concept-2

Social media for your dental practice is essential. Whether for marketing or sharing information, social media can provide an affordable way to reach your target audience. There are various types of social media platforms in which your dental practice can engage to maintain patient relationships and attract new business. But as you might have already found, merely creating social profiles for your dental practice won’t bring you much success. There are additional steps you must take to gain attention and get the most out of your social media efforts. 

Key Takeaways:

  • It is worth your time to build the reputation of your practice on social media.
  • Facebook will help you reach a wide demographic of current and potential patients.
  • Twitter allows live conversation in a casual and engaging way.
  • Instagram is a visual platform where you can share testimonials, advice and demonstrations.
  • TikTok is made for short-form videos where you can provide educational and entertaining content from your office.
  • LinkedIn allows you to build your online presence, stay up to date on the dental industry, and network with dental professionals.



With over 1.84 billion users, Facebook is the biggest go-to when it comes to social media. The platform is easy to use and allows you to connect with a wide demographic. An essential tool for your practice is a business page. This will allow you to provide information and updates about your practice without breaking the bank. You can share updates about services and deals you might be offering and educate the public about important dental issues. By inviting users to become fans of your page, you can connect to current patients, and they can in turn invite their friends to like your page. Facebook is a great way to connect on a regular basis.


X (formerly Twitter) is used by businesses to share updates and educational material. It is important to note that communicating on X lends itself to ongoing conversation in real-time and responding to trending events. You can answer questions and engage with your patients and the general public in a casual and entertaining way. There are several strategies for sharing information. For example, hashtags (words beginning with #) allow you to communicate keywords that are searchable. Using popular hashtags allows your tweets to be visible to more people.


Instagram is a visually driven platform. You can upload videos and photos with the ability to use hashtags to target your audience. Here you must use a certain amount of creativity to come up with engaging images or videos. Whether demonstrating a dental procedure, showcasing products, or introducing people to your staff, you can show, not just tell, what your practice is like to patients. A few other examples to help boost your following include patient testimonials, dental health advice, a tour of your dental practice, before and after photos. Like Twitter, you can reach a younger demographic, establishing a life-long commitment to dental health.


As a platform that encourages short-form content, TikTok appeals to a younger audience. It mainly consists of video content, making it a good platform to share educational dental tips and entertaining videos, a day in the life of a dentist, dental team introductions, and seasonal holiday wishes. It's free to use and you can give your target audience a feel for what to expect when they visit your office. 


LinkedIn is a professional social platform that can be used to network with your peers, partner with new people, and create a page for your practice. It's an effective way to build your online presence and show your commitment to continued education on the latest updates in the dental industry, participating in conferences, and networking events. This will increase trust from your patients and your image as a thought leader. 


Using social media doesn't have to be difficult. With many options to creatively market yourself as a dentist, engaging your current and potential patients can be fun and lucrative.


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Topics: dental marketing, digital marketing for dentists, dentists social media, dental social media management, social media and dentistry, dental practice social media, online dental marketing, dental digital marketing

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