Facebook Insights Every Dentist Should Know for Successful Results

Posted by Andrew Hickey on Nov 11, 2022 3:34:03 PM

Are you looking to increase the success of your dental practice? Facebook is a powerful tool that dentists can use to their advantage. Here we will discuss the most important Facebook insights dentists should know. We will also provide tips for using this information to boost your business.
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Topics: dental marketing, dental office marketing, facebook ads insights, custom dental websites, dental websites design, facebook analytics, facebook insights, facebook insights tool, custom websites for dentists, dental advertising, web marketing for dentist, digital marketing for dentists

Importance of Online Reviews to the Success of Your Dental Practice

Posted by Deborah Pinnock on Jul 3, 2017 10:21:03 AM


The famous ‘word of mouth’ business approach has existed for centuries. Whether you were a bread maker, dressmaker, tailor, or dentist, having satisfied customers who told others about your quality products and excellent service was the best way to get people in the door. As we fast-forward to the present, we understand that a shift in how we do business has occurred. The digital age is in full swing!

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Topics: dental marketing, online reviews, dental advertising, digital marketing for dentists, social media marketing for dentists, marketing dental practices, marketing for dentists, dentists marketing, dentist marketing ideas, dental marketing ideas, dentistry marketing ideas, marketing dental office ideas

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